Many agencies around Haywood County are working hard to provide as many resources as possible for our community. For a quick reference of those organizations and contact information, view the comprehensive brochure.


Canton job fair March 16, noon-7pmJoin us for this public job fair sponsored by the Town of Canton with the support of Pinnacle Church. Employers from all over WNC will be there.

Pinnacle Church
Thursday, March 16 | 12-7

WNC Career Expo logo

Plan to attend on Thursday, March 23rd from 11 AM – 4 PM at the Davis Event Center at the WNC Agricultural Center, located at 761 Boylston Highway in Fletcher.

Presented by the Mountain Area Workforce Board and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Western North Carolina businesses and organizations are ready to promote career opportunities for job seekers in advanced manufacturing, technology, health care, tourism, professional services, and other high-growth industries. All job seekers are encouraged to attend this one-stop opportunity to meet directly with representatives from companies hiring now.

Visit Website

International Paper job fair from social media

The team from International Paper is holding a hiring event at Lake Junaluska on March 23-25, 9am-5pm at the Harrell Center. There are a variety of positions available.

NC works logo NCWorks is available to support you. Visit their website for more information.



Haywood County Schools, Volunteers from Haywood & Buncombe Retired Educators, Canton Rotary Club, Canton Lions Club & concerned individuals will be onsite to support mill workers. Each participant will leave with a paper copy of a resume and an electronic version on a flash drive. If you plan to attend, please bring a written outline of your work experience with you.

March 21 & 22, 9am-Noon | 1pm-5pm at the Education Center in Clyde.

Haywood County Health & Human Services Agency

Social Services brochure (English)

Social Services brochure (Spanish)

Public Health Programs and Services brochure (English)

Public Health Programs and Services brochure (Spanish)

Credit Union Support

Two local Credit Unions have established support opportunities for community members impacted by the mill closure.

Employee Assistance Network (brochure)


OnTrack Financial and Educational Counseling

50 S. French Broad Ave. #227
Asheville, NC 28801
M-Th: 8:30am – 4:00pm (closed 12:30pm-1:30pm)
Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm

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