Public Works
Core Values
e Water Treatment Plant Report”
The Town of Maggie Valley Public Works Department provides a wide range of municipal services to the residents of Maggie Valley.
Come rain or shine, you will see the public works crews hard at work throughout town. Simply put, we work to keep Maggie Valley beautiful.
You can contact the Public Works Director, Mike Mehaffey at or 828-400-9494
Haywood County Landfill – 828-627-6445
Garbage Pick-up: Garbage curbside pickup is collected weekly on Mondays. Please place your Town provided garbage collection container on the street no earlier than dusk Sunday evening and no later than 7am Monday morning. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call 828-926-0866 ext. 2. This service is provided by Consolidated Waste Services contracted by the Town.
Guidelines: Household garbage should be placed in plastic bags inside your Town provided roll out tote. Do not mix yard waste with garbage. Medical waste and syringes should be properly contained in a puncture proof plastic bottle, coffee can etc. with a lid, before placing in the plastic trash bag.
Materials Recovery Facility (Recycle Center) 828-627-8042
Haywood County’s Material Recovery Facility accepts items that the Town cannot pick up. Check out more information on the MRF here.
Recycling Pick up: Recycling curbside pickup is collected weekly on Tuesdays. Please place your Town provided recycling collection container on the curb on earlier than dusk Monday evening and no later than 7am Tuesday morning. The Town of Maggie Valley is committed to recycling. In 2017 the Town of Maggie Valley became the first municipality in Haywood County to provide its residents with 64-gallon recycling containers. This service is provided by Consolidated Waste Services contracted by the Town. Learn more here Recycling-Brochure.
You can find more information on recycling Recycling-Basics-Accepted-list-poster, Recycle-Tips and More Information here.
The following items may be recycled provided that all food, drink and other residues are rinsed before they are deposited into your recycling container. Please deposit all of your co-mingled recyclables loose inside the provided container.
- Wide mouth plastic containers and lids, rigid plastic containers and small hard plastic toys.
- Paper (unwanted magazines, catalogs, newspapers, phonebooks).
- Aluminum and steel food cans and lids.
- Glass bottles and jars without lids.
- Cereal and food boxes and flattened cardboard boxes.
- Spiral paper cans with plastic lids detached.
Items that cannot be recycled include the following:
- Pizza boxes
- Paint cans
- Styrofoam
- Plastic bags
Yard Waste Pick up: The Town provides call as needed 828-926-0866 ext. 2 curbside pickup of residential yard waste. Learn more here with our Curbside Services Brochure. The Town defines yard waste as cuttings, clippings, bagged leaves, brush, limbs, etc. and it should be placed separate from all other solid waste materials. Yard waste shall not include material resulting from commercial tree trimmers and/or commercial lawn care services. Brush and limbs should be placed with cut ends facing the street. Clippings and leaves should be bagged.
- E-waste is the most rapidly growing segment of the municipal solid waste stream. By providing E-waste recycling, the Town is helping save landfill space.
- E-waste contains many valuable, recoverable materials such as aluminum, copper, gold, silver, plastics, and ferrous metals. In order to conserve natural resources and the energy needed to produce new electronic equipment from virgin resources, electronic equipment can be refurbished, reused, and recycled instead of being landfilled.
- E-waste also contains toxic and hazardous materials including mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical flame retardants, which have the potential to leach into our soil and water.