Police Department
The mission of the Maggie Valley Police Department is to provide our community and visitors with the highest quality of law enforcement services. We continually improve the public’s perception of community safety by reducing crime and the harms associated with criminal activity and any conditions that have a detrimental impact on public safety. The Department will accomplish this task while using the Community Oriented Policing model.
Providing this service to the public will be conducted in an efficient and effective manner, consistent with statutory authority, available budgeted resources and professional skills. The Department recognizes its members as its most valuable resource, and will strive to maintain the quality of public service through committed leadership, supervisory direction, career development, succession planning and training.
Check the Police Department Facebook page here!
The Maggie Valley Police Department will continue to grow, adapt and evolve as we provide the highest level of service and protection to our residents and the visitors of our community. We will provide this service in a manner which is fair, courteous, responsive and efficient.
With this vision in mind, we will achieve them by providing our officers and employees with the knowledge, tools and opportunities to meet and exceed all present and future needs of the Town within the scope of law enforcement services. We will work in cooperation with our community to proactively identify and address areas of needed improvement, and to continually provide the level of service and safety deserved by our Town, its residents and visitors.
Our Police officers take pride in their work, we are dedicated to public service and being the best we can be. We will serve our community with these core values: Honesty, Integrity and Ethical behavior.
The Town of Maggie Valley Police Dpartment is committed to being a professional law enforcement agency. This means our style of policing is community-oriented and includes a problem solving approach to quality of life, crime prevention and law enforcement issues.
Currently, all Maggie Valley Police Patrol Vehicle cruisers are equipped with state-of-the-art, in-car video systems. They record digitally and autometically download to a secure server located in the evidence and property room. Our officers wanted to take this a step further with body-worn cameras (BWC). This is a mark of professional agency. We are not afraid to capture what we see and say in the course of our daily work.

The Maggie Valley Police Department is proud to be of service to our citizens of Maggie Valley. As always, we value community engagement with our officers and staff, in problem solving and enhancing our community. We would like to thank all those who brought our officers and staff cakes, pies, cookies, and refreshments. We appreciate you and your friendships. To the business owners, which have been so gracious in supporting our officers and staff, we greatly appreciate you and your employees.
Our officers continue to build relationships with business leaders by regular visits where we interact and engage in community discussions. We have interacted with Homeowners Associations to address their community concerns, how to resolve issues and create a safer environment. We continue to track our neighborhood patrols and business visits. A vital part of our policing initiative is to maintain a positive working relationship with our community. Please feel free to contact us or come by the office with any concerns you might have. Our police officers and staff are at your service.
Our agency is committed to public safety, and continued education is key in our commitment. We require Officers to train and educate themselves to better serve our community. Our Police Officers attend annual training at the North Carolina Justice Academy for focused training, and Haywood Community College for annual in-service training. We have Officers that are now attending college to obtain their A.A.S. degree and or Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice or related field. The permanent radar signs, located on US Hwy 19, are alerting motorist to drive at a safe speed. Prescription drugs are still at the forefront of public concern. We maintain a 24-hour Prescription Drop-Off box located at the front entrance of our Police Department at 61 Summit Drive.
Town of Maggie Valley Police officers are dedicated, and proudly serve the residents of Maggie Valley. We take every opportunity to better serve our community and keep “Excellence in Policing” as the standard of service.
61 Summit Drive, Maggie Valley NC
Suicide Help Phone: 1-800-273-8255
AA Hotline: 1-800-524-0465
Alcohol/Drug Council of NC: 1-800-688-4232
Addictions.com includes general resources for a variety of addictions along with a local treatment center directory similar to how Narcotics.com helps people find local NA Meetings.
Narcotics.com specializes in connecting people with the resources and tools they need to recover from opioid addiction, and I think our home page would be a valuable resource for your residents looking for recovery help.
Rehabs.org and Freerehabcenters.org provides info for people at any stage of their recovery journey, including info on different types of therapy/recovery options, warning signs, how to talk to a family member, definitions of different types of treatment.
Community Resources
Click here for some additional resources available in Haywood County
BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Maggie Valley that the Maggie Valley Code of Ordinances be and is hereby amended as follows:
95.01 Definitions
95.02 Notice of Intent to Picket
95.03 Picketing Regulations
95.04 Interference with Picketing
95.99 Penalty
95.01: Definitions.
For the purpose of this Article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
Picket or Picketing means to make a public display or demonstration of sentiment for or against a person or cause, including protesting which may include the distribution of leaflets or handbills, the display of signs and any oral communication or speech, which may involve an effort to persuade or influence, including all expressive and symbolic conduct, whether active or passive.
Sidewalk means that portion of the street right-of-way which is designated for the use of pedestrians and may be paved or unpaved and shall include easements and rights of ways.
Street means the entire width between property or right-of-way lines of every way or place of whatever nature, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter or right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic, including that portion that is known as the shoulder of the roadway and the curb. The terms “highway” and “street” and their cognates are synonymous as used herein.
95.02: Notice of Intent to Picket.
(a) Prohibition. No picketing shall be conducted in this Town and no person shall participate in the same unless notice of intent to picket has been given to the chief of police or his designated representative, and unless a receipt of such notice has been issued.
(b) Notification required. Any Picket that the organizer knows, or should reasonably know, will be attended by a group of 10 or more individuals shall give notice of intent to picket to the chief of police or designee at least 72 hours before the beginning of the Picket. The notice of intent to picket shall include the following information:
(1) The name, if any, of the organization or group sponsoring or proposing the Picket;
(2) The name of the person giving notice of intent to Picket, if different from the organizer;
(3) The name of the person or persons to be in charge of the Picket and who will accompany the activity and carry the receipt of notice at all times;
(4) The location where the Picketing is to take place;
(5) The date or dates on which the Picketing will occur and time the Picket will begin and end;
(6) The anticipated number of participants, and the basis on which this estimate is made; and
(7) Whether or not persons below the age of eighteen (18) years are expected to participate.
(c) Receipt of notification. Upon notice of intent to picket given in accordance with subsection (b), the chief of police or designee shall immediately issue a receipt of notice. The receipt shall contain all information stated in the notice. The organizer of a Picket shall be responsible for maintaining the receipt, and shall present it when so requested by a law enforcement officer or other Town officials.
(d) Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §14-4, it shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this section.
95.03: Picketing Regulations.
(a) Picketing may be conducted on public Sidewalks, at Town Hall Lawn, Town Hall Park, Parham Park, Mary Rathbone Rich Park, McCracken Corner Park, or any other Town-controlled park or other Town-owned areas normally used or reserved for pedestrian movement, including easements and rights-of-way, but shall not be conducted in that portion of the Street used primarily for vehicular parking or moving vehicular traffic.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), Picketing may not be conducted:
(1) On a median strip; or
(2) At a location directed, focused, or targeted at a particular private residence.
(c) Picketing shall not disrupt, block, obstruct or interfere with: Pedestrian or vehicular traffic; persons crossing Streets or otherwise using the public way; the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic into any driveway; or the pedestrian entrance or other access to buildings, which abut the public Sidewalks.
(d) Written or printed placards or signs, flags, or banners carried by individuals engaged in Picketing shall be of such a size and/or carried on the Sidewalks or other Town-owned areas, as to allow safe and unobstructed passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. The staff or pole on which a sign, flag, or banner may be carried shall be made of corrugated material, plastic, or wood, and shall not exceed 36 inches in length and shall not be made of metal or metal alloy. If made of wood, the staff or pole shall be no greater than three-fourths inch in diameter at any point. A staff or pole must be blunt at both ends.
(e) If more than one group of picketers desire to Picket at the same time or near the same location, law enforcement officers may, without regard to the purpose or content of the message, assign each group a place to picket, at a minimum of 25 feet apart from one another, in order to preserve the public peace. Members of a group shall not enter an area assigned to another group. Priority of location shall be based upon which group of picketers first received its receipt of notice of intent to picket.
(f) Spectators of Pickets shall not physically interfere with individuals engaged in Picketing. Picketers and spectators of Pickets shall not speak fighting words or threats that would tend to provoke a reasonable person to a breach of the peace.
(g) Picketers must, if marching, march in single file, not abreast, except when passing one another.
(h) Picketers and Picketing shall be subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws including, but not limited to:
(1) The Town’s noise ordinance (Title IX, Chapter 90);
(3) G.S. § 14-225.1 (obstructing justice);
(4) G.S. § 14-277.2 (weapons);
(5) G.S. § 14-277.4 (health care facilities); and
(6) G.S. § 14-288.4 (disorderly conduct).
(i) No person observing, engaging in or assisting in Picketing shall bring to or allow to remain in the immediate area of Picketing any vicious animal or dangerous weapon.
(j) Nothing in this section prohibits a law enforcement officer from issuing a command to disperse in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 14-288.5 in the event of a riot or disorderly conduct by an assemblage of three or more persons.
(k) Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §14-4, it shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this section.
95.04: Interference with Picketing.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to physically interfere with Picketing or to address profane, indecent, abusive, or threatening language to or at such Pickets which would tend to provoke such Pickets or others to a breach of the peace.
(b) The police officers of the Town, in the event of the assemblage of persons in such numbers as to tend to intimidate Pickets pursuing their lawful objective through numbers alone or through use of inflammatory words or possession of dangerous weapons, may direct the dispersal of persons so assembled and may arrest any person who fails to absent himself from the place of such assemblage when so directed by the police.
(c) Whenever the free passage of any Street or Sidewalk in the Town shall be obstructed by a crowd in connection with Picketing, the persons composing such crowd shall disperse or move on when directed to do so by a police officer. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to so disperse or move on when so directed by a police officer as herein provided.
95.99: Penalty.
(a) In accordance with G.S. § 14-4 (and unless the Town ordinances provide otherwise), any person violating any provisions of this chapter may be subject to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding 20 days.
(b) In addition to or in lieu of the remedies authorized above, violations of this chapter may also be prosecuted in accordance with G.S. § 160A-175, including that the violation may subject the offender to a civil penalty to be recovered by the Town in a civil action.
Adopted this the 30 day of July 2020
Mayor Mike Eveland
Vickie Best, Town Clerk
Neighborhood Watch
About the Program
A Neighborhood Watch is a group of neighbors who are willing to communicate with each other and pass along information. The group is educated in crime prevention and watches for suspicious activity. Neighborhood Watch does not require citizen patrols or citizen assist.
We like each group to meet two times a year. This can be a formal meeting or a neighborhood cookout in someone’s backyard. A Neighborhood Watch group usually consists of 10-25 households and involves characteristics such as:
- All houses on one street facing one another
- Cul-de-sacs
- Townhome/Condo Communities
When you participate in the Neighborhood Watch program you will have a direct liaison with the Police Department through your Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO). Your NRO can provide you with:
- Crime prevention information
- Current crime statistics for your neighborhood
- A list of all registered sex offenders living
Block Captain Responsibilities
A Block Captain is a point of contact for your neighbors and the police department. The police department will occasionally send information to the Block Captain, who communicates the information to participating neighbors. In addition, the police department sponsors quarterly meetings for the Block Captains. We ask that each Captain try to attend two of the quarterly meetings.
Neighborhood Watch Depends on You
Neighborhood Watch does depend on you calling 911 for in-progress emergency calls or calling 828.926.0867 for non-emergency situations. Suspicious activity calls can be handled with a minimum of personnel compared to the investigation of an actual crime. Do not hesitate to call as often as necessary. We expect more calls from Neighborhood Watch groups.
How to Start A Program
The following steps must be taken when starting a Neighborhood Watch Program:
- Contact the Town of Maggie Valley Police Department at 828-926.0867 or sjustice@maggievalleync.gov
- Decide on the number of households your watch program can effectively cover. Keep in mind the geographical layout of the neighborhood and the ease with which neighbors can observe each other’s property.
- Decide what would be the most convenient day and time for neighbors to attend a start-up meeting. It is often most convenient to have the meeting in one of the homes in the neighborhood, if that home is large enough to comfortably accommodate the number of people expected to attend.
- Contact the Crime Prevention Officer to see when they would be able to attend the start-up meeting. It is important to contact the Crime Prevention Officer at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
- Once a date and time has been coordinated with the Crime Prevention Officer, develop a meeting announcement flier, make copies, and distribute them to the neighbors. When the flier is delivered, stress the importance of having at least one adult person from each household attend the meeting.
- Notify the Crime Prevention Officer how many households will be attending the meeting.
First Meeting
At the first meeting, the Crime Prevention officer will assist you in organizing your neighbors in to a pro-active Neighborhood Watch Group. The Crime Prevention Officer will provide educational material and personal instruction in crime prevention techniques.
Staff Directory
Dial 911 For Emergencies
Dial 828.926.0867 for non-emergency police matters
Matt Boger – Chief
Cody Greene – Lt. Investigation Division
Sidney Justice – Admin/Records Request
Logan Wood –Lt. Patrol Operations