Resident Information
Welcome to the Town of Maggie Valley
Whether you have lived here for years or are just now building your dream home, moving into an established residence or finding a summer or seasonal place here, we welcome you! This page should help with some of the essentials you may need and if you still have questions, call Town Hall at 828-926-0866. We will be happy to help you.
The two Power Companies that serve our area are Duke Energy Progress and Haywood Electric Membership Corporation. Duke Progress serves most of the Soco Road corridor and Haywood EMC the Highway 276 corridor.
To set up new service contact them here:
Duke Energy Progress 844-388-7425
Haywood EMC 800-951-6088
Wonderful water is provided to much of this area – both inside Town and outside the municipal boundary, by the Maggie Valley Sanitary District. Their office is located on Rich Cove Road in Maggie Valley, just across Soco Road from Town Hall.
You may contact the MVSD at 828-926-0145 or by the My Rural Water website here.
The Maggie Valley Post Office is located at 4280 Soco Road. The phone number there is 828-926-0679. The Post Office closes from 1 – 2pm for lunch.
The zip code for Maggie Valley is 28751, but there are properties that are located within the Town of Maggie Valley municipal boundary with the (Waynesville) zip codes 28785 (Jonathan Creek area) and 28786 (Dellwood Road area).